The moment that make you different and that makes your recipe irresistible. The moment when guests realize they have been served with the best quality. The moment you know that they will come back and enjoy the unique taste of each ingredient. That is what you are striving for in your business. You can only achieve that by your dedication and hard work.
That is why you should choose a reliable partner. Choose EcoGrill.
EcoGrill has nine standard dimensions within three lines– 600mm, 700mm i 800mm. Every line has one, two or three independent heating zones.
Trenutak koji te odvaja, i koji tvoj recept čini neodoljivim. Trenutak u kojem gosti shvate da im je serviran vrhunski kvalitet.
Trenutak u kojem znaš da će poželeti da dođu opet i uživaju u neprikosnovenom ukusu svakog sastojka. To je ono čemu težiš u svom poslu.
To je ono do čega se dolazi posvećenošću i neumornim radom.
I zato izaberi pouzdanog partnera.
Izaberi EcoGrill Pro roštilj.
EcoGrill ima devet standardnih dimenzija u tri linije – 600mm, 700mm i 800mm, gde svaka linija ima jednu, dve ili tri nezavisne grejne zone.